A Socıo-Economıc Dıscussıon And Questıon: Why Do People Mıgrate From The Rural?

Migration is an important socio-economic event that is explaining to the development and change of mankind. In the historical process, people have left or have to leave the place where they live because of various reasons. It is quite natural for a person to choose a place of living from his or her creation and with the influence of the environment or conditions in which he lives later. This period and change accelerated with the development of economic and social events and was accepted as a rational behavior. In such a case, it would be a natural process for a person to leave the place he lived and to set him or herself a new habitat or place. It is known that all these visions became more evident especially for people living in rural areas after the Industrial Revolution. When the question of why people migrate from rural areas is handled in a multi-faceted way, it can also reveal that new conclusions and views about the subject can be maintained when rational human behavior is taken up with economic and social events.


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