نامه‌ی ۱۲۳ نفر از درویشان و منسوبان شیخ علی خالص طالبانی در شهر سنندج به دولت عثمانی

At the end of the nineteenth century and the final days of Ottoman authority, the border areas between the state of Iran and Ottoman empire experienced severe tensions. Part of the population under the power of Iran sought to be ruled by Ottoman authority due to the pressure of Iranian Shia government. The city of Sina (Sanandaj) was one of the cities from which some families of scholars had immigrated to Baghdad and Istanbul. This document of Ottoman archive which dates back to 1911 shows the effect of Qadri order led by the family of Sheikh Abdulrahman Talabani from Kirkuk whose followers in Sina required Ottoman Empire to accept them as the followers of the state. Among them, there were the Mufti of the city and 122 other figures of Sheikh and dervishes of the order.


  • تاریخ مشاهر كرد (عرفا، علما، ادبا، شعرا)، بابامردوخ روحانی، با كوشش محمد ماجد مردوخ روحانی، جلد دوم، انتشارات سروش، تهران 1382.
  • تاریخ مشاهر كرد (عرفا، علما، ادبا، شعرا)، بابامردوخ روحانی، با كوشش محمد ماجد مردوخ روحانی، جلد دوم، انتشارات سروش، تهران 1382.