Gelişen teknolojik imkanlarla birlikte din öğretimi sürecinde yararlanılacak materyallerin sayısı da artmıştır. Söz konusu materyallerden birisi de filmlerdir. Filmler dersleri daha eğlenceli ve öğretici hale getirebilir. Öğrencilere zengin öğrenme yaşantısı sunabilir. Bunun için öğretmenlerin bu materyalden etkili bir şekilde yararlanmaları din öğretiminde yaşanan ilgisizlik, isteksizlik, bıkkınlık gibi sorunların azalmasında katkı sağlayabilir. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, Din dersi öğretmenlerinin bir öğretim materyali olarak film/videoları kullanma durumlarını ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma, var olan durumu betimleyen tarama modelinde bir çalışmadır. Kayseri örnekleminde yapılan bu araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre; araştırmaya katılan Din dersi öğretmenlerinin yarısı derslerinde filmlerden yararlanmaktadır. Din dersi öğretmenlerinin en çok kullandıklarını söyledikleri film türü "kısa filmler/videolar"dır. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin filmlerden en çok yararlandıkları ders türü "Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi"dir. En az film kullanılan öğretim alanı İmam Hatip Lisesi Meslek dersleri olmuştur. Dolayısıyla, derslerinde film kullanan öğretmenler daha çok ortaokul DKAB öğretmenleridir. Bayan öğretmenler erkeklere nazaran bu materyalden daha çok yararlanmaktadır. Öğretmenler bu materyali daha çok "işlenen konuyu zenginleştirmek, geliştirmek" için kullanmaktadırlar. Söz konusu öğretmenler filmleri daha çok meslektaşlarından ve internet sitelerinden temin etmektedirler. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenler din öğretiminde film seçerken, en çok seçilen filmin "konuya uygunluğuna" dikkat ettiklerini söylemişlerdir. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenlerin film kullanma konusunda en çok yaşadıkları sorun, bazı okullardaki internet ve bilgisayar yetersizliğidir.


Introduction and Purpose of the Study With the development of technological possibilities, the number of teaching materials that can be used in religious education has increased. One of these materials is films/videos. Films/videos can make lessons more fun and educational, and it can offers to students a rich learning experience. For this reason, effective use of this material by the religious teachers can contribute to the reduction of problems such as indifference, reluctance and boredom in religious education. The main purpose of this research was to assess use of films/videos as teaching materials by the Religious Education teachers. In this context, some questions asked are; 1-How much did they use the films in the process of Religious instruction? 2-Where did they get them? 3-What kind of films did they use most? 4-What are they paying attention to when choosing them? 5-How they did they benefit during the lessons? 6-What kind of problems they have experienced in this process? And similar questions are asked and answered Method The research is a survey model that describes the current situation. In the study datas were gathered by questionnaire on 108 Religious Education Teachers in Kayseri province. 57 %of the participants are men and 40 %are women. 21 IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software program was used to test hypotheses generated for the purposes of research. Quantitative analyses methods (means, percentages), were used in analyzing the data. Results and Discussion According to this research results were made in Kayseri sample, half of the participant teachers use films their lessons. Most used film type is short films/videos. The type of lesson that most used films is "Religion Culture and Moral Knowledge". The least used course is İmam Hatip High School Teachers who use movies in their lessons are mostly secondary school teachers. Female teachers use this material more often than male teachers. Teachers use this material to further "enrich and improve the subject matter". Teachers provide films mostly from colleagues and internet sites. When the teachers choosing films in religious instruction, they were paying attention to the content compliance. The problem that most of the teachers who participated in the research is internet and computer inadequacy in some schools. Some of the results obtained in the research are; a little more than half of the teachers of Religious Education who participated this research told that they use films in their lessons. According to this data and researches done in the past years. Religious Education Teachers' usages of films have increased to a certain extent. Religious Education teachers say that they use videos and short films mostly. They are followed by cartoons. Religious Education teachers said that the least useful types of films are clips, documentaries and movies. It is though that the increase of internet opportunities and the ease of finding short videos and films are effective. The type of lesson that teachers who participate the research most benefit from films are 'Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge', Life Of Prophet Muhammed and Quran followed it. The least film is used occupational lessons in Imam Hatip High School. Teachers use this material to encourage and develop the topics. Monitoring the unit at the end of the lesson, summarize the subject and purchase the new knowledge aims follow them. However some of the teachers use them not to leave lessons empty. Some teachers don't know functions of films and they misuse them in their lessons. It is thought that teachers who say, that they use films in their lessons, provide films from their colleagues and internet sites. Very few teacher make or edit a film. It is concluded that Religion and Moral Knowledge Teachers are more sensitive about sharing films and materials than Imam Hatip High School teachers. Teachers who participated this research say that they pay attention to context compliance most. To be suitable for students' features and grade follow them. To be spectacular, negative implicit messages, duration, content, voice and image quality follow it. A little number of teachers say that they choose films according to the teaching aims and functions. While using films at lessons some of the teachers express that they sometimes pause the films and ask questions in some parts. The others ask students to emphasize with them, some of them want students to take notes, make comments and evaluate films. So it is thought that the teachers being talked about are more conscious about the film watching process. The problem that most of the teachers who participated the research faced with is inadequacy of internet and computer in some schools. Some of the teachers have said that they have not benefitted from these kind of materials because of the inadequacy of the class hours, the fact that it is enough to tell the subjects unimportance of using films during lessons. These suggestions can be expressed in the light of these results. In-service training can be done by the teachers in the subjects place, functions and how to choose the films in the field of religious education. The issue can be focused especially on teachers Imam Hatip High School lessons. It is possible to increase the number of sharing sites where films related to the field of Religious Education especially Imam Hatip High School lessons are collected. The Ministry Of National Education, The General Directorate Of Religious Education can work on this subject. Information banks and exchange banks can be created in virtual environment where the institutions, religious culture and moral knowledge and elective courses, film samples for Imam Hatip High School lessons take place and principles and techniques about how to be watched while they are selected and used. Further research can be done in this subject.


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