Boşanma Sürecindeki Bireylerde Depresyon Anksiyete Stres ve Dini Başa Çıkma Arasındaki İlişki

Boşanma büyük bir yaşam geçişi, hayattaki önemli bir değişikliktir. Kişisel açıdan düşünüldüğünde evlilik gibi bir ilişkinin sonlanması ve ayrılık –özellikle psikolojik ve duygusal bağlılık gibi olgularla birlikte düşünülürse- insan için son derece yıkıcı olabilmektedir. Boşanma çoğu insan için zor ve sancılı bir süreçtir. Bu süreçte bireyler kendilerini yoğun stres altında hissetmekte, uyum konusunda zorluk yaşamaktadırlar. Bu açıdan bireyin ruh sağlığı büyük risk altındadır çünkü boşanma ve eş kaybı travmatik bir etkiye sahiptir ve insan hayatındaki en stresli olaylar içerisinde ilk sıralarda yer almaktadır. Diğer taraftan boşanma ile din ve maneviyat arasında yakın bir etkileşim vardır. İnsanlar boşanırken dini referans ve hassasiyetleri gözetmekte, dini değerlendirmelerde ve çıkarımlarda bulunmaktadırlar. Bu çalışma ise boşanma sürecindeki bireylerde depresyon anksiyete stres ve dini başa çıkma ilişkisini konu edinmektedir. Makalede bu konu teorik bilgilerin yanı sıra araştırma Sakarya ilinde yaşayan ve boşanma süreci devam eden bireylerden elde edilmiş amprik veriler çerçevesinde ele alınacaktır. Araştırma boşanma sürecinde bulunan 51’i erkek 67’si kadın olmak üzere toplam 118 Müslüman yetişkin katılımcıyı kapsamaktadır. Katılımcıların depresyon anksiyete ve stres düzeylerini belirlemek için DASS 21 (Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21) ölçeği, dini başa çıkma davranışlarını belirlemek için ise Dini Başa Çıkma Ölçeği (DBÇÖ) kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS programı ile analiz edilerek depresyon, anksiyete, stres ve dini başa çıkma davranışları arasındaki istatistikî ilişkiler hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçta boşanma sürecindeki bireylerin dini başa çıkma davranışları ile onların depresyon, anksiyete ve stres düzeylerinin ilişkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Relationship Between Depression, Anxiety, Stress And Religious Coping For Individuals' In Divorce Process

Divorce is a major transition and a important change in life. From a personal point of view, the end of a relationship like marriage or separation can be extremely destructive for human beings, especially when considered together with such phenomena as psychological and emotional attachment. Divorce can be a difficult and painful process for most people. In this process, individuals feel themselves under intense stress and have difficulty for adaptation. In this respect, the mental health of the individual is at great risk, because divorce and loss of wife have a traumatic effect and are at the top of the most stressful events in human life. On the other hand, there is a close interaction between divorce and religion and spirituality. People observe religious references and sensitivities while divorce, and make religious inferences and inferences. Many people strive to increase their power to deal with problems, overcome their existing problems, seek on support in religious and cultural values. When faced with difficulties in their lives, people refer to a number of religious coping activities, which include meaning, protection, control, religious belief, behavior and moral attitudes. Thus, they are struggling to overcome their sadness, hopelessness, fractures of imagination and to increase life satisfaction.The emphasis on religious coping in the psychology literature has been existed since years, although there has been a growing interest in this issue over the past 30 years. Religious coping is a approach which has been practiced and released theoretically and practically by Kenneth I. Pargament. Religious coping is religious attitudes, behaviors and methods which is appear different ways and individuals refer to the holiness, search to meaning in crisis situations and difficult situations. To emphasize belief in Allah, to pray, to practice religious practices and ext. In other words, religious coping isturned to religion and spirituality and involved religious resources by the individual in order to make sense of his / her event and experiences, when faced with stressful life events.This study focuses on the relationship between anxiety stress and religious coping in individuals in the divorce process. In this article, besides theoretical knowledge, research will be discussed within the framework of emprical data obtained from individuals living in Sakarya province and in divorce process. The study included 118 Muslim adult participants, 51 of whom were male and 67 were female.In order to determine the religious coping behaviors of the participants, the Religious Coping Scale was used which standardized by Ayten (2012). Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin (KMO) value which indicate the construct validity and homogeneity of the scale is 0,872; chi square value of Bartlett's Test which indicate the statistical significance of the factor correlations is x2 = 2487,035; p = 0,000.  The Cronbach's Alpha value which indicate reliability (consistency) was calculated as 0,915.Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21 scale was used to determine depression anxiety and stress levels of the participants. In this study, Cronbach's Alpha value was calculate 0.813 in depression; 0.826 in anxiety; 0.874 in stress. Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin (KMO) value is 0.889; Chi-square value in the Bartlett's Test is calculate as x2 = 1142,029; p = 0.000.The data were analyzed with SPSS program and the relationship between depression, anxiety, stress and religious coping behaviors were calculated with Spearman Correlation Coefficients. In conclusion, it was determined that the religious coping behaviors of the individuals in the divorce period and their depression anxiety and stress levels were related with each other.There are positive and significant relationships between depression, anxiety and stress levels of the participants. This correlation between depression and anxiety is r; .683, between depression and stress is .599, between anxiety and stress is r; .566.  This means that depression, anxiety and stress increase or decrease in directly-proportion to each other. While religious coping is a negative correlation between religious coping, depression and anxiety in general, these are not significant, but there is a significant negative relationship between religious coping and stress, stress and religious coping; this correlation is r; -213 that means it is inversely proportional each other.When the relationship between positive religious coping and depression, anxiety and stress were examined, it was found that there was a significant correlation each other and the direction was negative. In other words, positive religious coping and depression, anxiety and stress are inversely proportional each other. Also significant positive correlations have emerged between negative religious coping and depression, anxiety and stress. In other words, there is more correlation between negative religious coping and depression, anxiety and stress.In conclusion, in this study, the relationship between religious coping behaviors and depression, anxiety and stress levels of the individuals in the divorce period is examined. It was found that participants had a positive relationship with positive religious coping behaviors rather than negative religious coping behaviors, whereas depression had a positive relationship with anxiety and stress. Especially in the religious intimacy which is one of the subscales of positive religious coping, higher values have emerged compared to other dimensions. In all subscales of negative religious coping, high correlation values were found in anxiety level compared to others.Divorce is a stressor in the first place among life problems. Individuals are adversely affected by the divorce process. When both theoretical and empirical data are taken into consideration, individuals in the divorce process have found that they benefit from it when they use the religious elements as a calming and positive solution mechanism, or otherwise they suffer psychologically.


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