The subject of the State becomes more and more topical in the context of building and development of the post-industrial civilization and the growing economic integration, resulting from the process of deepening economic globalization, on one hand, and the growing political fragmentation, on the other, in the post-bipolar world. In the same time there is a considerable cognitive deficit and there are a lot of unlit questions of theoretical, methodological and practical nature related to the cyclic civilizational dynamics and the relation Civilization (local and global) - State - Region (within State). The objective of the present article is the tracing of this interdependence. 
Anahtar Kelimeler:



The subject of the State becomes more and more topical in the context of building and development of the post-industrial civilization and the growing economic integration, resulting from the process of deepening economic globalization, on one hand, and the growing political fragmentation, on the other, in the post-bipolar world. In the same time there is a considerable cognitive deficit and there are a lot of unlit questions of theoretical, methodological and practical nature related to the cyclic civilizational dynamics and the relation Civilization (local and global) - State - Region (within State). The objective of the present article is the tracing of this interdependence.


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