Photo-Isomerization and Decarboxilation of 2-Amino-5-Chlorobenzoic Acid in Argon Matrix

Öz In this paper, the matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy technique is presented, and its application to the work of photoisomerization reaction for 2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid (AClBA) was studied by matrix isolation spectroscopy in argon matrix at 15 K. The considered photoreactions include conformational isomerizations as well as bond-breaking/bond-forming structural isomerizations. UV irradiation at l > 234 nm of the matrix-isolated compound was found to lead to conversion of this conformer into the other conformers and also to decarboxylation of the AClBA, producted with of CO2 and 2-amino-5-chlorobenzene (AClB). The analysis of the experimental data on matrix isolated AClBA was supported by extensive quantum chemical calculations.


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