Osmanlı’nın Son Döneminde Ahlak İlminin Yeri ve Önemi Üzerine Bir İnceleme

An Investigation on the Place and Importance of Moral Science in the Late Ottoman Period

The Ottoman Empire has a tradition and moral structure since its foundation. In particular, it has a tradition built on the moral structure revealed by the moral structure of Islamic religion and Islamic philosophy. However, in the last period of the State, while the efforts were made to develop science and technique, it was under the influence of the West. On the other hand, this Western influence not only caused technical, military changes, but also a change in all social aspects. In our study, it will be emphasized that this change, military, technical and scientific renewal activities, transforms the moral field, causes changes and distortions from the members of the state to the general structure and education policy. From this point of view, an attempt will be made on what is the place, importance and importance of morality, which is a suggestion for preventing this corruption, moral corruption and the collapse of values.


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