Formations in The Hittite Language

Formations in The Hittite Language

In the 1950 issue of yahrbuch für) k(leinasiatische) F(orschung) (vol. I, p. 125 footnote 106-110) I studied the -/(/)- formations and the suffixes -tahta- and -talli- in Hittite. In this brief communication I shall discuss the -n(n)- formations, the treatment of which has been hitherto neglected in Hittite grammars. Recently Prof. Friedrich has treated the suffix -(a)nni- in A(rchiv) f(ür) 0(rientforschung) yol. XV, p. ' III f. (written in 1943, printed in 1946 and issued in 1951). The same note was republished by him with almost the same wording with the exception of slight corrections in Bi(bliotheca) Or(ientalis) yol. V (1948), p. 51, note 18. Although Friedrich does not explicitly separate the suffix -(a)nni- from the suffıx -(a)nna- and the formations with double n from those with on.e n, he treats only the suffix -(a)n(n)i- and wants to see in it a diminutive function. A diminutive suffix had not as yet hem established in Hittite till then.