Sculptured and Inscribed Stones at Burdur

Sculptured and Inscribed Stones at Burdur

The stones here published are at present in the Municipal Building at Burdur; most of them have been set up in the garden, the others are kept in the depot. They have been collected from Burdur itself and from the villages in the Vilayet. In the past it was the custoxn to send such stones to the museum in Antalya, where numerous monuments from Burdur are to be seen; the stones recorded below may be regarded as forming the nucleus of a local museum. This is much to be welcomed: the monuments gain in interest from being preserved in their own country, and serve as a stimulus to the pride and curiosity of the local inhabitants, who learn that such stones have a value quite apart from their utility as building-material. At the same time they are in their present situation easily accessible to all who wish to study them. They are grouped below geographically, in accordance with the proveniences as recorded in the inventory kept in the Municipal Building. They are all of Roman Imperial date