Fostering A Group of Science Teachers Supported By Audiovisual Resources to Approach the Nature of Science in Teaching Situations

We seek to work with this approach the topic of the nature of science (NOS) in a process of teachertraining supported by a community of practice, where filmic resources were used to subsidize boththe understanding of the subject as to sustain the practices of teachers in situations teaching. The datapresented support this approach, as teachers take ownership of the film and the contributions of otherteachers to elaborate prior planning and material guiding their practices. This plan is called Teachingand Learning Sequences (TLS). The methodology used was based on the references of qualitativeresearch in education, as well as the analysis and discussion of the data. For the construction of thiswork were developed two courses for teachers of basic education in the state of São Paulo, and whathappened in the Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo, Brazil with the initial participation of14 teachers, and 5 completed the second course. The two courses took place during the year 2012.

Fostering A Group of Science Teachers Supported By Audiovisual Resources to Approach the Nature of Science in Teaching Situations

We seek to work with this approach the topic of the nature of science (NOS) in a process of teachertraining supported by a community of practice, where filmic resources were used to subsidize boththe understanding of the subject as to sustain the practices of teachers in situations teaching. The datapresented support this approach, as teachers take ownership of the film and the contributions of otherteachers to elaborate prior planning and material guiding their practices. This plan is called Teachingand Learning Sequences (TLS). The methodology used was based on the references of qualitativeresearch in education, as well as the analysis and discussion of the data. For the construction of thiswork were developed two courses for teachers of basic education in the state of São Paulo, and whathappened in the Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo, Brazil with the initial participation of14 teachers, and 5 completed the second course. The two courses took place during the year 2012.


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