In this work, non-edible biomass hydrolysates were used as a kind of fertilizer to investigate their influences on sandy and loamy soils. Biomass hydrolysates were extracted by subcritical water process. Three different concentration of biomass hydrolysates (1000, 2500, 4000 ppm C) were used to investigate their influences on the different soil types. The pH of soil sample was slightly neutral and alkaline for sandy and loamy soils, respectively. There were no significantly a difference on total soil nitrogen. Total carbon content increased with increasing biomass concentrations. Total water soluble phenolic contents, elements (Na, Ca and K) in bean leaves irrigated with biomass hydrolysates were determined. According to results, total water soluble phenolic contents of leaves increased in following order 40P < 25P < 10P. Significant differences were obtained in potassium and calcium contents while no considerable changes were found in sodium contents of bean leaves in different growing media.


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