In this study, certain physical properties of Korpe Stone (Elazıg), Karakocan Stone (Elazıg), Hozat (Tunceli), Erzincan andesite (Erzincan) and Bayburt stones found in four provinces and used as building construction materials are subjected to analysis. These stones are used as building elements in the region, while also being praised by the public for their ease of processing and their thermal properties. The objective is to determine the kind of properties the stones that are used in the region actually have as building elements. In order to determine the physical properties of the stones, samples were taken from two separate quarries for each stone. Following the tests carried out on the samples, The thermal conduction coefficients of Karakocan Stone (0.44 W/mK), Korpe Stone (0.71 W/mK) and Bayburt Tuff (0.74 W/mK) were lower than the others, whereas the pressure stresses of Korpe Stone (52.6 MPa) and Erzincan Andesite (62.8 MPa) were higher than the others and compared with similar building materials.


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