Territorial marketing: A tool for developing the attractiveness of territories

In the context of economic globalization, cities and urban territories are at the heart of the challenges of strategies to position themselves in the economic competition and enhance their attractiveness. The territory is perceived as a factor of administrative and territorial innovation. Territorial development policies were strongly convinced that a strong attractiveness of a territory is considered as proof of success, thus it was necessary to attract sources of wealth and job offers, to make people want to come and to stay. How to be attractive? Cities had to put in place real strategies to differentiate themselves and continue to attract visitors. Among these strategies is territorial marketing. Its implementation transforms the ways in which the territories implement their attractiveness policies with a number of actions in the short and medium term to convince the actors and targets of the attractiveness of this territory to invest or reinvest in it. The ability to bring in and / or retain men and business appears now to be a key issue in local development strategies. The main purpose of this paper is to show that territorial marketing is a tool for developing strategies for the attractiveness of territories and cities.


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