Local data: A new approach to data in architecture

Data, information and knowledge terms are often used interchangeably. The intention of this paper is to provide a better understanding to data, information and knowledge relation with a relative perspective and to explain the usage of the term data in scientific studies. In addition to that, it is aimed to develop a classification of data for architecture. When the origin of the data is investigated, it shows natural or cultural references. This relation can be used at fundamental classification of data as natural or cultural. Besides, data is inherently associated with place in architecture. In the determination of the parameters related to the place, architectural studies, site planning studies, and legal regulations in architecture and planning are evaluated to construct a data framework. Local data framework has been developed to classify data that are used in architectural design. For the use of architectural site survey, local data provides a systematic classification in relation to location. The architect can easily access the data associated with the place. This approach supports the architect in design by using the local data. This study revisits data with a new approach as local data for use in architecture.


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