Offshore/Onshore Rüzgâr Santralinin Modellenmesi ve Şebekeye Bağlantısı

Offshore rüzgâr santralleri, son yıllarda tüm dünyada hızla yaygınlaşmaktadır. Ülkemizde ise henüz devreye alınmış bir offshore rüzgâr santrali bulunmamaktadır. Ülkemizde offshore rüzgâr santrallerinde işletme deneyimi eksikliği, planlama, devreye alma, şebeke bağlantı gibi konularda geliştirici çalışmaların yapılmasına ihtiyaç vardır. Bu çalışmada offshore rüzgâr santralinin kurulum/modelleme aşamaları ve ilgili şebekeye bağlantı esasları incelenmiştir. Örnek olarak Çanakkale ilinin Ezine ilçesi yakınlarında toplam 40 MW offshore, 40 MW klasik bir rüzgar santralinin (onshore) birlikte o bölgeye en yakın 154/34,5 kV transformatör merkezinin 154 kV’lık barasına dâhil edilmesi senaryosu için bu santralin sanal modeli oluşturulup güç sistemine bağlantı esasları analiz edilmiştir.

Modeling of Offshore/Onshore Wind Power Plant and Network Connections

Offshore wind farms are becoming widespread all over the world due to restrictions in the terrestrial areas in the growing wind energy market. Although the cost of offshore power plants is higher compared to onshore power plants, high resource quality eliminates this situation. In addition, today's developing technology and falling costs make offshore power plants more attractive than onshore power plants. There have been significant increases in the installed capacity of offshore power plants in the world, especially after 2010. Sectoral developments, energy security and the problem of global warming were effective in this increase. Offshore wind farms is gaining popularity all over the world in recent years.In our country, there is no offshore wind power plant yet.Offshore wind power plants in our country; there is a need to carry out developer work on issues such as to lack of operating experience, planning, commissioning and network connection.In this study, the installation/modeling stages of the offshore wind power plant are examined and then the connection principles to the related network are investigated.As an example, a virtual model of the power plant is obtained based on the scenario that a 40 MW offshore and a 40 MW classical wind power plant (onshore) near the Ezine district of Çanakkale province are connected to 154 kV bus bar of the 154/34,5 kV transformer center and the virtual connection principles to the power system network were investigated.


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