Improving the Quality of Camel Milk Soft Cheese Using Milky Component (BMR) and Sweet Potato Powder

Improving the Quality of Camel Milk Soft Cheese Using Milky Component (BMR) and Sweet Potato Powder

The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of replacing 20 or 30% of camel milk with a milky component, had (BMR)secret code, in a trial to overcome the problem arising when soft white cheese was making. Supplementation with 1,2 and 3% sweetpotato powder SPP was, also, done to improve the quality and the nutritive value of the resultant cheese. Results indicated thatfortifying camel milk with BMR and SPP improved the physic-chemical properties of cheese by reducing the pepsin coagulation time,whey syneresis and pH value compared with control cheese. Yield, titratable acidity and curd tension were increased with increasingthe levels of additives used. These additives, also, increased the total solids, fat, protein, ash, salt contents as well as, values of cheeseripening indices and total volatile fatty acids in treated cheeses, after 30 days of storage period. There were clear differences in themicrostructure among control cheese and the treated ones, in the shape, homogenization, compact or open body & texture of thecasein micelles network. Variations were, also, noticed in the size and numbers of voids or vacuoles and fat globules, owing to thevariations in the chemical composition, manufacturing conditions and to the supplemented agents used. These observations werereflected on the body and texture of control cheese which became weak, loose and open. Moreover, addition of BMR and SPPimproved greatly the texture profile of cheese and their technological aspects.


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