Sokullu Kıbrıs'ın Fethine Gerçekten Karşı mıydı?

Öz Kıbrıs Adası’nın Osmanlılarca fethinden beri, zamanın sadrazamı Sokollu Mehmet Paşa’nın, Venedik ile ilişkileri bozmamak adına, sefere karşı olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. İddianın kaynağı o çağda İstanbul’da bulunan Venedik Balyosu’nun bir raporudur. Ancak çağdaş tarih yazımı ilkelerine göre, bir tarihsel olay kendi çağının öteki olaylarından koparılarak tek başına ilişkisiz bir olaymış gibi değerlendirilirse, yanlışa düşüleceği gibi özellikle karşıt kaynakları da inceleyen bir çapraz okuma olmadan değerlendirilmeye çalışılması da hataya düşülmesinin,başlıca sebebidir. Sık sık dile getirilen bu iddia anlattığımız gibi bir tek rapora dayanılarak yazılmakta olması bakımından, hem zamanın çağdaş diğer olayları ve hem de karşıt kaynaklar da ele alınarak, bir daha değerlendirilmeye muhtaçtır.Bu çalışmada kaynak taraması yapılarak, yeni bir değerlendirme yapılmaya çalışılmaktadır.

Was Sokollu Against to The Battle of Cyprus Indeed?

Abstract It is used to be said that the Grand Vezir of the time, Mehmet Pasha Sokolevich was at the opposite side to the battle against Venice, for Cyprus. This claim has been depended on a report which was wrote by the Ballios (representative) of Venice in Istanbul. He reported to the senate of the republic that, Grand Vezir told him that he didn’t support the policy of the empire towards the island. Although it was not logical but it seems that may be either Ballios himself, or the members of the Senate of Venice wanted to believe it! It was impossible to think that the second man of the empire could support such a policy. However, when somebody tries to make a research among the references of the time, we can meet some other evidences which show us that at the same time Grand vezir of the empire was administrating two important operations against the Venice republic. The first one was a great explosion in the harbour of Venice, which was destroyed the Arsenal and the navy of the republic and let them in a very weak point! The second one was to create and strongly supported a rebellition in Spain by the Muslim people of Iberia who called as Moriconos and destroyed all of the alliance proposals of the Pope. Because the strongest fleets of the Spain had to stay at their own coast in order to defend their country from an Ottoman reinforcement interference to the Muslims of Andalusia. As a result Ottoman navy became the strongest power in Mediterranean World. Because Christians couldn’t establish an alliance against the Ottoman threat. After such centuries, it seems us that Mehmet Pasha made a conspiracy to the Ballios of Venice in Istanbul. This article tries to explain the real situation between the Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of the Spain, Republic of Venice and Vatican during the time of the Cyprus war from the classic historical writers of both sides, by making a cross reading.


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