ÖZETAraştırmada Erzurum çevresinde hububat tarlalart içerisindeproblem teşkil eden yabancıotlar tesbit edilmiş ve bunlardan köygüçüren (Cirsiı.m anoense), tarla eşek marulu (Sonchus arveıısis)kıvırcık Iabada (Rumex crispus), yabani hardal (Sinop is arvensis)ve ak kazayağı (C/ıenopodium album) önemli görülerek yazlık arpaı'e buğday içersinde mücadele: imkanlarl araştmlmıştır.Yuka"da adları zikredilen yabancı ol/al' çdiçi ailesi içersindekiboş iş gücünü kullanarak elle yolunduğu taktirde ekonomikolmaktadır. Diğer taraftan sonbaharda 25-30 cm. derinliğinde yapılantoprak işlemesi yabancı otlar/a mücadele yönünden ilkbahardayapılana nazaran çok daha etkili olmuştıır.Köy göçüren mücadelesinde Banvel D (50-80-100-200 cc/dek) enyüksek tesiri göstermişse de, yazlık arpada fitotoksik etki meydanagetirmiştir. Kıvırcık Iabada mücadelesinde çiçeklenmeden önce tatbikedilen amin, ak kazayoğuıda ise ester terkipli herbisiıler en fazlaetkili olmuştur. Yabani hardal denemede kullamlan herbisitlere karşıhassas, tarla eşek marulu nisbeten mukavim olrak bulunmuştur.SUMMARYResearching of the control methods of some of the weeds that cause problem in spring barleyand spring wheat in Erzurum region.Around Erzurum a survey wereplanned on weeds which are problem insumıner cereals. Canada thistle (Cirsiumarvaense L. Scop), perennial sow thistle(Sonclıus arvensis L.), curied dock(Rume cripspus L.), chariock (Sinapsisarrensis L.) lamb's quarterks (CheI1Opodı:um album L.) are the destructiveones araund he~e. Their biology andthe control methods were examinedclosely. Fall and spring- deep sodcultivations made by diskharrow takenas an alternative, herbieides were appliedon these weeds. rII the investigationeleyen herbicides whieh had difTerentefTective su bstances were tested onthem. These herbieides were when thewheat and barley were their 5-7 leavedstage, also in tbis stage the weeds weretheir 5-7 leaved stage, also in this stagethe weeds were tripped by hand andtheir comparıson were made are indıcacatedbelow.Weed problem in summer cereals,it will be economic if the handed bythe members of the farıner's family byusing their emthy hours.From the standpoint of the weedcontrol in general fa Li cultivation iseffective then the spring cultivationand it highers the summer wheat production.Although the steem of the barleyshortened and some deformations formed,such effcctions didn't observedon summer wheat, in the plots thatTordon 101, Banvel-D and Banvel-D,Agroxone 4 ""ere apphed. On the otherhand, most effeetive herbicide toC. cırvense which is Banvel D killedthe %70. In the control of curled dock,fall eultivation is very effective and aminepreparations are more effective thanthe others. AH herbicides are moreeffective to chadock in the researches.The herbicides in ester character ga vethe best resuJt and killed the 100 percentof the present lamb's quarters.
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