Öz 19 th century was a disastrous year for the Ottoman Empire. The wars and consequences of them in this century were the main causes of the disaster mentioned. The migrations were the most important result of this destruction. Because, the housing problems caused by migration from the Caucasus and to direct them into Rumelia, the state was rather left in a difficult situation. Both Economical and political problems of the Ottomans, refugees wezen't taken enough care and this caused important losses. Althrough the number of refugees has not been know exactly in to day too they were settled dawn in Anatolia, the Balkans and the Middle East, Ottoman Empire also Considened its own benefets when providing these settlement's it was obvicus that Ottoman Empire herd a willing to make use of there people for soluing its political and economical problems. As a result after the migration took place at the second half of the 19th. Century, about 3.000.000 (three millions) people had to leave their country and tody, these people are living in ferty defferent countries.


Ottoman Archives of the Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey

Amedî Kalemi Mektubi Mühimme Evrakı, Cevdet Dâhiliye, Meclis-i Vâlâ Evrakı Zabıt Cerideleri Hülasaları, İrade Şura-yı Devlet, Sadâret Mektubî Kalemi Umum Vilâyât


Takvim-i Vekayi, Tercüman-ı Ahval,

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