Sürrealizm Bağlamında Joan Miro Eserlerinde Biyomorfizm

Biomorphism in The Works of Joan Miro in The Context of Surrealism

Joan Miro, known for her surrealist paintings, produced her works, in which a child scribbled unconscious, shapes and lines randomly and without aesthetic concern. Much influenced by the subconscious and dreams, the artist has been seen as the first representative of automatism in the field of art. In Miro's works, the effects of the artist's past life can be traced. Some of the forms he used in his works are a mirror of the subconscious reflection of nature in his daily life. The artist reflected the subconscious world in his works, completely eliminating his own logic and external perceptions. The biomorphism seen in Miro's works influenced many different art disciplines and artists, as well as surrealist artists. This research is a study of the biomorphic forms created by Joan Miro in the art movement of surrealism through automatism and subconscious method through the works of the artist. The works by Joan Miro are considered how the artist treats biomorphic forms in the context of the current of Surrealism in relation to automatism and the subconscious. Qualitative research method was used in the research and in this context, literature on the subject was examined, visual sources were examined and readings were made through biomorphic forms in the works of the artist. The data obtained were examined within the art movement of surrealism.


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