Erzurum Resim Heykel Müzesi ve Galerisi
Museums are important learning places in which past, present and future synthesis can be made, containing objects and experiences belonging to each area. Museums should be more involved in life as learning environments in terms of the excitement in the fields of art, science, technology, and nature where permanent learning takes place. Erzurum Painting and Sculpture Museum and Gallery is an art museum affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The museum exists in the school building where the Erzurum Congress is held. In this research, the importance of Erzurum Congress and Erzurum Painting and Sculpture Museum as an art museum is emphasized with the formation process of the Museum and Gallery, Erzurum Painting and Sculpture Museum collection. In this research, survey model is used.
Erzurum Painting Sculpture Museum and Gallery
Museums are important learning places in which past, present and future synthesis can be made, containing objects and experiences belonging to each area. Museums should be more involved in life as learning environments in terms of the excitement in the fields of art, science, technology, and nature where permanent learning takes place. Erzurum Painting and Sculpture Museum and Gallery is an art museum affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The museum exists in the school building where the Erzurum Congress is held. In this research, the importance of Erzurum Congress and Erzurum Painting and Sculpture Museum as an art museum is emphasized with the formation process of the Museum and Gallery, Erzurum Painting and Sculpture Museum collection. In this research, survey model is used.
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