Community structure of mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in tropical streams of Western Ghats of Southern India

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the community structure of the order Ephemeroptera in the Southern Western Ghats ecoregion along with Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) from 2017 to 2018. Ecological parameters estimated at each collecting site were pH, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand,hardness and alkalinity. This research investigation was carried out in 30 streams of Palni andCardamom hills in Western Ghats of Southern India. With PCA examination, the sites likeDhobikana, Fern hill and Poomparai of Palni hills are plotted far apart and are not supportedby the ecological parameters like in the other sites. Dhobikana of Palni hills is exceptionallycontaminated in light of the fact that dhobis are associated with washing garments so cleansercontamination is prevalent around there. In cardamom hills, Santhamparai near bridge andNayamakkadu are left far apart indicating they are not supported by physico-chemical parameters, mainly due to pollution. From to the CCA results, it is discovered that Baetis speciesfavor β-mesosaprobic habitat and Indialis badia inclines toward high altitudinal region. Fromthe outcomes, it is presumed that pH, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, hardnessand alkalinity were the essential components administering the mayfly community and structure.


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