Osteo-Arthritis on the Condylar Process, the variation of the Fovea Capitulum Mandibulae of the ancient Anatolians Osteo-Palaeopathology study

Öz Andcnt dly of Sardis x$ on thc Ankara-txmir road and 70 kms. jsland from thc zVgean Sea.* 'ITıc andcnt cily of Sardîs was tlvc ecntcr of Lidian and it utm undcr thc rulc 4 A. D. and the çenter had continucd to maintain its imporianoe.’ The By^anlinc peopk lıad Hvcd in classical periods în thc andcnt city of Sardis. The\* wcfc doltoosephals and McîojcphaU in phy^ical typc and ac- cording long bon« of thesc pcoplc havc been »tudicd b>’ntc, and The bolh tetes wcre of medinm hcight and Mediterranian UTpe in gcncral.f


Ankara Üniversitesi – Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Antropoloji Dergisi