Homo Sapiens Çevlikiyensis in the Canal and Big Caves of Çevlik near Samandağ of the province of Antakya on the Mediterranean Coast of Anatolia

Öz Among thc Pâlcolithic sido, îl is mcntioncd abovc thc Mer­ divenli Cavc (formally firsi cave) havc yielded fotır human Malar in ihc I.c\alloiıo - Mouıccricn Lcvelj.’ (Map î, If) TIm: Canal Cave (Kaıuıl mama^arau) bas yielded onc Mandibular Motar. in ıhc Lo- wer Aurignaden 1x^x1 wiüı ehatelperron poinb; onc Dcciduous Cîi- nine of ıhe Maxillae, in thc Ln*aJk^ • Maustcricn kvel.* (Picture I)


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