Disc Burins on Disc Cores and their variations have been discovered in Belbaşiyen Culture on the Mediterranian Coast of Anatolia

Öz The Belbnpyen I.<«\’cr MrM>lithic Cukurc ha» de\'clopclilhic for Anatolia’. Brlba^iyTn ö eloıe lo upper lc\'cl of Kcnıe- rian in Bcidibi on (he Mcditcnancan Ck>a$ı of Antalya bay*. The Belhap rockeheltrr havc depoctiu 160 cm. from top (o thc rock and 'ITıc cKca^'a.tıon hat been not finithed on ihr front of üıe ehelter.


Ankara Üniversitesi – Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Antropoloji Dergisi