Beyin Tümörlerinin Cerrahi Planlamasında Difüzyon Tensör Görüntülemenin Katkısı

The Efficiency of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Preoperative Arrangement of Brain Tumors

Aim: It is intended to be revealed the relationship between tumor and adjacent white matter tract preoperatively by Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), with evaluation of pathology results, clinical examination results and preoperative DTI characteristic of surgery performed brain tumor patiens. Materials-Methods: In this study, 54 leison sided white matter tract and 54 contralateral white matter hemispheric controls belongs to 26 patient was examined and Fractional Anisotropy (FA) measurement was perfomed. White matter tracts was categorized as edema, displacement, infiltration and disruption with using directionally encoded color maps. FA changes (§FA%) between categorized groups was compared by statistically. Patients that have displaced and edematous white matter tract and also gone surgery were assessed clinically after surgery. Results: A significant ?FA% was found in edema, disruption and infiltration groups. Both edema FA and disruption FA are significantly less than displacement FA. ?FA% less than î30% is likely to be associated with disruption and infiltration. A positive ?FA% is likely to be associated with edema or displacement. The patients in edema and displacement groups has not developed additional postoperative neurologic deficits. Conclusion: In patienst with brain tumor aimed to assess the relationship of mass and adjacent white matter tracts with preoperative diffusion tensor imaging and reached the conclusion that it is possible to effectively surgical planning with preoperative DTI.


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Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 1947
  • Yayıncı: Erkan Mor
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