ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRETİM ELEMANININ İŞ STRESİ : Ankara'daki Bazı Üniversite Öğretim Elemanları Üzerinde Yapılan Bir Araştırma (Araştırma Özeti)

Öz This research aimed at figuring out (a) the stress level of the university faculties, (bj the strategies used by them to copeivith the job stress, and (c) the performance level of them in stress situations. A three part instrument developed by the researcher, the construct validity was tested by use of factor analysis, and the internal consistency was tested by using Cronbach Alpha Confidence Coefficient, ivas administered to some faculties of the state universities in Ankara. They were altogether 86 academicans. Therefore, this study should be perceived as an “exploratory research” in this theme. In analyzing the data, in each part—subscale in comparisons to the variables of gender, age, academic level, and college, the variables were recoded to construct two groups in each. Its rationale was to build a normal distribution in each variable, and thus, to use a parametric test (t-test) to compare the groups.


  • Gmelch, Walter, and Kay, Wilke. (1988). Toward a comprehensive view of faculty stress in higher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (ERIC ED 308736).