During the First World War, in Greece, the conflicts between the pro-German King Konstantinos I and the pro-British Prime Minister Eletherios Venizelos over Greece's position in the war led to national division. Between 1915 and 1917, the country was divided into two as the Venizelos government with the capital of Thessaloniki and the government of the King with the capital of Athens. In November 1916, the French commander, Admiral Louis Dartige du Fournet with his 3.000 men navy, requested the destroyers, military ammunition and the Piraeus Port to be handed over to the Allied Powers. Upon the King's refusal to do so, the occupation of Athens took place and clashes took place between the Epistrati, a pro-king civilian militant group, and the French forces. With the retreat of the French navy two days later, the Epistrati group attacked the pro-Venizelos civilians living in Athens and committed many murders. The author of the aforementioned letter, which we have transcribed and translated, informs Prime Minister Venizelos about the tragic story of her husband who was murdered by the "Epistrati" during these bloody events that went down in Greek history as "Noemvriana" and the shocking results of the national division in the eyes of the public. The letter is particularly noteworthy as it mirrors the woman's effort to send her daughter to New York to complete her higher education. However, no information has been found about the outcome of this attempt.


During the First World War, in Greece, the conflicts between the pro-German King Konstantinos I and the pro-British Prime Minister Eletherios Venizelos over Greece's position in the war led to national division. Between 1915 and 1917, the country was divided into two as the Venizelos government with the capital of Thessaloniki and the government of the King with the capital of Athens. In November 1916, the French commander, Admiral Louis Dartige du Fournet with his 3.000 men navy, requested the destroyers, military ammunition and the Piraeus Port to be handed over to the Allied Powers. Upon the King's refusal to do so, the occupation of Athens took place and clashes took place between the Epistrati, a pro-king civilian militant group, and the French forces. With the retreat of the French navy two days later, the Epistrati group attacked the pro-Venizelos civilians living in Athens and committed many murders. The author of the aforementioned letter, which we have transcribed and translated, informs Prime Minister Venizelos about the tragic story of her husband who was murdered by the "Epistrati" during these bloody events that went down in Greek history as "Noemvriana" and the shocking results of the national division in the eyes of the public. The letter is particularly noteworthy as it mirrors the woman's effort to send her daughter to New York to complete her higher education. However, no information has been found about the outcome of this attempt.


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