Ulrich Oevermann's Attempt To Reconcile Theory With Practice

The question of the theory-practice relationship does belong to the most important question of social sciences as well as of theoretical philosophy. While in philosophy this relationship is tried to be answered from an epistemological perspective, in the social sciences this relationship is approached either from the logic of action theory or systems theories. The discourse on professionalisation is about the question of how forms of knowledge, communication and action can be objectified in the lifeworld, which is interwoven with dense expectations, made effective, i.e. used in the functional systems of society in a purpose-rational way without endangering the conditions of this order. This paper discusses the theory of professionalization developed by Ulrich Oevermann. This article aims to present and critically evaluate Oevermann's theory of professionalisation. Oevermann's approach shall be recalled to Parsons and Luhmann but still take the distinction between theory and practice as temporally state. After a discourse on Oevermann's understanding of routine/normal case and crisis/borderline case, this shall be done in the discussion of his theory of professionalization from its genesis and then linked to three foci of professional action. In this course, Oevermann's focus of theory and therapy as a working alliance will be particularly emphasized. This is followed by a discourse on Oevermann's notions of the need for professionalization and professionalizedness. Finally, the need for professionalization of the pedagogical and nursing professions will be considered from the perspective of Oevermann himself.

Ulrich Oevermann's Attempt To Reconcile Theory With Practice

The question of the theory-practice relationship does belong to the most important question of social sciences as well as of theoretical philosophy. While in philosophy this relationship is tried to be answered from an epistemological perspective, in the social sciences this relationship is approached either from the logic of action theory or systems theories. The discourse on professionalisation is about the question of how forms of knowledge, communication and action can be objectified in the lifeworld, which is interwoven with dense expectations, made effective, i.e. used in the functional systems of society in a purpose-rational way without endangering the conditions of this order. This paper discusses the theory of professionalization developed by Ulrich Oevermann. This article aims to present and critically evaluate Oevermann's theory of professionalisation. Oevermann's approach shall be recalled to Parsons and Luhmann but still take the distinction between theory and practice as temporally state. After a discourse on Oevermann's understanding of routine/normal case and crisis/borderline case, this shall be done in the discussion of his theory of professionalization from its genesis and then linked to three foci of professional action. In this course, Oevermann's focus of theory and therapy as a working alliance will be particularly emphasized. This is followed by a discourse on Oevermann's notions of the need for professionalization and professionalizedness. Finally, the need for professionalization of the pedagogical and nursing professions will be considered from the perspective of Oevermann himself.


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