Kamus-ı teşrih: the possible first anatomy dictionary in Latin-Turkish

‘Kamus-ı teşrih’ (Anatomical Dictionary) was examined in order to introduce it as a rare, probably the first and important work for Turkish Medical History in its category. This is an exceptional book published in Germany in 1923. It can be accepted as the first Latin-Turkish dictionary of anatomy when considered seperately from the medical dictionary called ‘Lugat-ı tıb' (medical dictionary). ‘Kamus-ı teşrih’ was published in Latin-Ottoman Turkish. The heading of the dictionary in Latin is ‘Vocabularium anatomiae’. The original copy of this book is found in the National Library in Ankara, Turkey. ‘Kamus-ı teşrih’ was written by Zeki Haflmat Kiram, MD. First six pages of the book are composed of the title, dedication, abbreviation, legends and preface. Anatomical terms are listed in Latin in alphabetical order between pages 7–84 and their meanings are written in Ottoman Turkish. Pages 85–86 include the last word of the author. Page 87 comprises the list of other books published by the author. Last pages include some medical advertisements. This manucript aimed to bring the importance of introducing and providing access to such rare works for the history of anatomy and medicine.


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