A quantitative evaluation of the academicians in anatomy departments of medical schools in Turkey

A quantitative evaluation of the academicians in anatomy departments of medical schools in Turkey

Objectives: This study aimed to make a quantitative evaluation of the academicians working in anatomy education, investigate the relationship between the number of academicians and the anatomy course hours, and examine the relationshipbetween the ages of the schools and the number of academicians in medical schools in Turkey.Methods: The number of academicians (professor, associate professor, assistant professor, research assistant and lecturer) working at the department of anatomy were recorded by examining the official websites of 90 medical schools in Turkey betweenJune 22–27, 2019. The number of anatomy course hours was examined in 58 medical schools accessed from their websites. Theyears of establishment of the medical schools were recorded.Results: A total of 90 research assistants, 18 lecturers and 291 faculty members were determined to work in the anatomydepartments of the 90 medical schools in Turkey. The mean numbers of research assistants, lecturers, faculty members andacademicians per faculty were found as 1±1.56 (range: 0–9), 0.20±0.45 (range: 0–2), 3.23±2.41 (range: 0–11) and 4.43±3.45 (range: 0–17), respectively. The mean numbers of theoretical, practical and total hours of anatomy course were170.14±32.25 (range: 100–245), 104.47±34.78 (range: 32–196), and 274.6±51.92 (range: 132–405), respectively.Conclusion: There were differences between universities in terms of academicians and anatomy course hours. The courseload of anatomy academicians was found rather high. It is concluded that this situation may have disadvantages for anatomy education and academic studies of academicians.


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