Öz In the 1966 campaign at Karataş near Elmalı an unusual pottcry vessel was collectcd in bits and picces in trench 63, one of the trial trenches made to the Southeast of the small Central mound. Trench 63 contained sevcral tclescopcd levels of Early Bronze Age habitation, one of vvhich vvas the burnt Early Bronze II sublevel also rccognizcd in the general Karataş Southeast village area of trenches 71 — 72, 99-1001. The base of the vessel was found in the Southeast corncr of a small reetangular strueture built of timber and pise on a stone socle. This strueture measurcd about 1.75 m. in width (N-S) and 2.50 m. in length (E-W), too small to be a house. It belonged to the last level of habitation and was built över the burnt level, but cvidcntly stili was part of the Early Bronze II period. It may have been the çenter piece of an enelosure of vvhich a thick wall of 18 m. length vvas the South boundary, but ali thesc architectural remains in trench 63 lay very near the surfacc and had been badly damaged by ploughing and erosion. In any casc the vessel had stood in the Southeast corner of a small roofcd unit.
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