1998 yılı 8-17 Eylül tarihleri arasında, biryandan Akdeniz’in doğu ucunda yer alan Samandağ çevresinde geçmiş yıllarda kazılmışolan mağaraları yerinde inceleyerek ileriyedönük çalışmalara temel oluşturacak bir durum saptaması yapmak, diğer yandan yeni sitlerin bulunması halinde, Anadolu Paleolitikbuluntu yerleri dağılım haritasına katkıda bulunmak amaçlanarak Işın Yalçınkaya başkanlığında bir yüzey araştırması gerçekleştirilmiştir1.Ziyaret Dağı eteklerinde, Şenköy’ün güneybatısında yer alan Sungur Köyü ve çevresi,yüzey araştırması sırasında taranan bölgelerden biridir.

Very rich lithic industries discovered from Hatay Region (southern Anatolia) in 1998. These are reflecting the various models of knapping activity areas and temporary camps. In particular, two important findspots were chosen by us as a subject of this paper. Thus, the lithics of this study were obtained from Hacı Fakı Mevkii, 4 km. distance from Sungur Village in the northeast, flat ground of the top of a hill next to the Antakya-Yayladağ road, and also from Ali Efendi Deresi Mevkii at the lower parts of the road in the same area during the field work. It is still possible to see the scattered flint raw materials on the ground in present. Hacı Fakı Mevkii shows the dominance of levallois cores and their products which reflects the centripetal recurrent levallois technique. In addition to the clactonian types of flakes, cleavers and core-like bifaces qualify this site to the early phases of Paleolithic period. The tools on both levallois and non-levallois blanks show denticulated and notched forms, typologically. The industry of Ali Efendi Deresi Mevkii shows the abrasion marks on the edges of lithic pieces by the natural process. A chopping-tool found in this industry. Furthermore, the clactonian technique was used frequently by the inhabitants of this area as well. In spite of the presence of centripetal recurrent levallois cores, the other levallois products are not seen in the area. The tools on non-levallois flakes are represented by the varieties of denticulated and notched types. The existence of cores, preparation flakes and flake remains in the finding areas indicates the knapping activity areas to produce blanks for the tools. In the other hand, the presence of the biface and/or flake tool industries may indicate the temporary camps as well


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