Plastik seralarda uygulanan değişik havalandırma sistemi ve plastik tiplerinin bazı sebzelerin büyüme, gelişme ve verimine etkisi

Bu araştırmanın yürütülebilmesi amacıyla 6 farklı model sera planlanmış, ilkbahar turfandacılığı dönemlerinde denemeye alınmıştır. Seralarda yan havalandırma açıklıkları eşit, çat havalandırma açıklıkları borum, tek baçalı ve çift ba'calı olacak şekilde planlanmıştır. Seraların 3 tanesinde antifog katkılı plastik diğer 3 tanesinde ise ultroviyole (UV) katkılı plastik örtü materyali olarak kullanılmıştır. Her seraya ayrı ayrı termohigroğraf yerleştirilerek sıcaklık ve nem değerleri kaydedilmiş, ayrıca sera içerisinde digital ölçüm yapabilen termohigrometrelerle ölçümler alınmış, elde edilen veriler domates, patlıcan ve hıyar bitkilerinin büyüme, gelişme ve verimleri ile ilişkileri araştırılmıştır. Arastana sonucunda büyüme ve gelişme üzerine örtü malzemesinden ziyade havalandırmanın etkili olduğu bulunmuştur (P

The effect of different roof vantilation gaps and plastic types applied to plastic greenhouses on the growth, development and yield of some vegetable crops

In order to carry out this experiment, six different model glasshouses were planned to be tried for early spring growing season. The greenhouses were planned as all with equal side ventilation gaps namely, with three a side windows and each having an area accounting for 10 % of the ground area of the greenhouses. Three stove pipes were placed on the roof of two of the greenhouses for ventilation while one or two roof windows (one square meter each) were placed on thr roof of the other greenhouses. In covering the greenhouses, UV resistant and antifog plastic films were used. Temperature and humidity values in the greenhouses were recorded by placing thermo-higrograps in each greenhouse, as well as using a hand handled digital thermo-higrometer in order to make calibration and more 'reliable comparisons. The interrelations between climatic data obtained from the measurements in the greenhouses and the data related to plant growth, development and yield were investigated. The results showed that me effect of ventilation gaps was more marked in comparison to plastic types (p<0.05). While the distribution ventilation gaps in the greenhouses and the event of water (kipping on the plants had an important effect in aubergine and cucumber, ventilation gaps had a direct impact in tomato in terms of yield. According to these results, plants grown in greenhouses cowered with antifog plastic film with a reasonable ventilation gap gave better results than the others for cucumber and aubergine while it was deduced from the present study that both covering materials could be used for the greenhouses with enough ventilation gaps in tomato growing.
