Temellendirilmiş Zihinsel Model Teorisi

Gerçekliğe bireylerin yüklediği farklı anlamlar, bilişsel yapılanma farklılıklarını meydana getirmektedir. Eğitim alanında öğrencilerin olgular, kavramlar ya da konular hakkındaki bilişsel yapılanmalarını anlama gayretleri söz konusudur. Zihinsel model teorisi de eğitim alanında öğrencilerin bilişsel yapılanmalarını anlamlandırmada yararlanılan araştırma alanları arasındadır. Bu çalışmada zihinsel model teorisi ve zihinsel model belirleme hakkında yürütülen çalışmalara yönelik analitik bir değerlendirme mevcuttur. Yapılan değerlendirmelerden hareketle de, zihinsel model teorisinin işe koşmadaki eksikliklerini gidereceği düşünülen 'temellendirilmiş zihinsel model teorisi' tanıtımı ve 'temellendirilmiş zihinsel model' tespit etmeyi açıklama bu çalışmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır.

Investigation of Digital Game Addiction Levels of Sedentary and Sports Students*

The interest of people has increased in digital games in parallel with technological developments. This increasing interest on digital games has caused addiction in some people. Addiction in digital games is called a disorder caused by the inability of the person to control the desire to play digital games constantly in daily life. For this reason, this study aims to investigate the digital game addiction levels of sedentary and sports students. For this purpose, the universe of the study consists of sedentary and sports students. The sample group of the study includes 248 sedentary and sports students. Approval was obtained with the 01/02/2022 dated and 55300 numbered ethics committee decision of Amasya University Social and Human Sciences Ethics Committee on the conduct of this study. "Digital game addiction scale for university students" developed by Hazar and Hazar (2019) was used as a data collection tool in the study. The related scale is in 5-point Likert type and consists of 21 items and 3 sub-dimensions. All statistical calculations were made in SPSS 22.0 V statistical package program. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, it was concluded that the digital game addiction levels of male students were higher than female students. it has also been determined that individuals between the ages of 18 and 21 have higher levels of digital game addiction compared to other individuals. In addition, it was determined that the addiction levels of the participants who used the Internet for more than 6 hours were higher than the other individuals. On the other hand, in the study, no significant difference was found between the digital game addiction levels of the participants in terms of interest in sports, sports branch and learning variable.


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