İnflamatuvar barsak hastalığında histopatolojik kriterlerin klinik semptomatolojiyle ilişkisi

Correlation of histopathological criteria with clinical presentation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

In order to overcome the difficulty in the diagnosis of Inflammatory bowel disease it might be useful to assess the value of histologic parameters and colitis pattern in distinguishing ulcerative colitis from Crohn's disease. We aimed to assess the correlation of clinical and histologic parameters in distinguishing ulcerative colitis from Crohn's disease. A total of 70 Inflammatory bowel disease patients were included in the study. The most commonly observed histologic finding was lamina propria inflammation (n:66; 94,3%) and crypt distortion (n=62; 88.6%), followed by cryptitis and mucus depletion (n=58; 82.9%). No statistical difference was observed between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease patients in terms of histologic parameters except lamina propria inflammation (p