Remarks on the Possible Uses of a Late Cnidian Stamped Amphora from Patara

Remarks on the Possible Uses of a Late Cnidian Stamped Amphora from Patara

The Cnidian amphora, which forms the subject of this study, was recovered during the course of excavations carried out in 2004 to the south of the Tepecik Acropolis lying north of the city centre of Patara Fig. 1 . The amphora was recovered intact, except for the mouth, one handle and a part of the base. This amphora carries a stamp which was pressed into the vertical side of the handle. This stamp is important and perhaps it is today a unique find, because of the impression in the vertical side, which has not previously been observed on Cnidian amphorae. For these reasons, this amphora provides interesting and important data for the study of commercial amphora and of impressed stamps


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