Determining of Turfgrass Performance of Certain Tall Fescue Cultivars in Cool Season Ecological Conditions
This study was conducted to determine the turfgrass performance of newly introduced tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) cultivars in the ecological conditions of the cool climate. The experiment was carried out in the Plant Cultivation garden of the Parks and Gardens Directorate of Tokat Municipality for 3 years between May 2009 - January 2012. Six different tall fescue cultivars (Apache, Eldorado, Firaces, Merida, SR8600 and Turbo) were used. In the study; turf cover ratio, weed invasion density, turf color, winter endurance and turf quality characteristics were measured with scores between 1-9 point, and turf texture was measured in mm. Study results showed that the highest values were obtained from the Merida and Turbo cultivars and that, generally speaking, the other cultivars could easily be used in turf establishment in the region and in similar ecological conditions.
Determining of Turfgrass Performance of Certain Tall Fescue Cultivars in Cool Season Ecological Conditions
This study was conducted to determine the turfgrass performance of newly introduced tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) cultivars in the ecological conditions of the cool climate. The experiment was carried out in the Plant Cultivation garden of the Parks and Gardens Directorate of Tokat Municipality for 3 years between May 2009 - January 2012. Six different tall fescue cultivars (Apache, Eldorado, Firaces, Merida, SR8600 and Turbo) were used. In the study; turf cover ratio, weed invasion density, turf color, winter endurance and turf quality characteristics were measured with scores between 1-9 point, and turf texture was measured in mm. Study results showed that the highest values were obtained from the Merida and Turbo cultivars and that, generally speaking, the other cultivars could easily be used in turf establishment in the region and in similar ecological conditions.
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