The Role of the Virtual Chemical Experiment

This article provides a description of the chemical experiment classification and peculiarities of their performance, and provides a basis for the study of chemistry. Also, the competence of the experimental self-determination experiment with the use of experiments in chemistry teaching is described. Each chemical experiment shows the convergence between theory and practice. The composition and structure of matter, their dependence on the structure of properties, the acquisition of known substances and materials, the patterns of chemical transformation and the ways of their management. It has been determined that the use of chemical experiments will improve theoretical knowledge. It also describes the capabilities and peculiarities of virtual laboratories, one of which is the ability to implement digital technology. It was found out that the workshop will be able to correct and correct errors and omissions during the task. The use of virtual laboratory has shown that students will improve their knowledge and develop their creative abilities.

The Role of the Virtual Chemical Experiment

This article provides a description of the chemical experiment classification and peculiarities of their performance, and provides a basis for the study of chemistry. Also, the competence of the experimental self-determination experiment with the use of experiments in chemistry teaching is described. Each chemical experiment shows the convergence between theory and practice. The composition and structure of matter, their dependence on the structure of properties, the acquisition of known substances and materials, the patterns of chemical transformation and the ways of their management. It has been determined that the use of chemical experiments will improve theoretical knowledge. It also describes the capabilities and peculiarities of virtual laboratories, one of which is the ability to implement digital technology. It was found out that the workshop will be able to correct and correct errors and omissions during the task. The use of virtual laboratory has shown that students will improve their knowledge and develop their creative abilities.


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