Language is a social phenomenon that exists in human society. Any language the Society performs communicative (means of communication), expressive (means of revealing thoughts), constructive (means of thinking), accumulative (skills acquired from experience and knowledge), cumulative (accumulation), transformative (transfer), etc. These are the main functions of the language, which are inherent in different levels of development at different stages and are innate components that do not change in their own system. In addition, the social functions of the language are a reflection of the use and use of the same basic functions of the language in different social environments, spheres of public life, and in different purposes and situations. The factors influencing the formation of the public environment in the Kazakh language are the system of Education, Culture, mass media, departments and departments of language development in each institution that monitor the conduct of office work in the state language, etc. institutions and public organizations, as well as the state authorities themselves. At the same time, the problem of the language situation in modern Kazakhstan is reflected in the address of the head of State N.A. Nazarbayev “New Kazakhstan in the new world” in 2009, where in order to ensure the competitiveness of the country and its citizens, it is proposed to gradually implement the cultural project “trinity of languages” in accordance with the need to develop trilingualism, i.e. Kazakh as the state language, Russian as the language of International Communication, and English as the language of successful integration into the global economy. In this regard, a number of scientific studies are currently underway to study and analyze the social problems of the Kazakh language. In terms of the language reform associated with the transition to a new alphabet in Kazakhstan, it is particularly relevant to republishing and defining the viable parameters of the language.


Language is a social phenomenon that exists in human society. Any language the Society performs communicative (means of communication), expressive (means of revealing thoughts), constructive (means of thinking), accumulative (skills acquired from experience and knowledge), cumulative (accumulation), transformative (transfer), etc. These are the main functions of the language, which are inherent in different levels of development at different stages and are innate components that do not change in their own system. In addition, the social functions of the language are a reflection of the use and use of the same basic functions of the language in different social environments, spheres of public life, and in different purposes and situations. The factors influencing the formation of the public environment in the Kazakh language are the system of Education, Culture, mass media, departments and departments of language development in each institution that monitor the conduct of office work in the state language, etc. institutions and public organizations, as well as the state authorities themselves. At the same time, the problem of the language situation in modern Kazakhstan is reflected in the address of the head of State N.A. Nazarbayev “New Kazakhstan in the new world” in 2009, where in order to ensure the competitiveness of the country and its citizens, it is proposed to gradually implement the cultural project “trinity of languages” in accordance with the need to develop trilingualism, i.e. Kazakh as the state language, Russian as the language of International Communication, and English as the language of successful integration into the global economy. In this regard, a number of scientific studies are currently underway to study and analyze the social problems of the Kazakh language. In terms of the language reform associated with the transition to a new alphabet in Kazakhstan, it is particularly relevant to republishing and defining the viable parameters of the language.


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