Studying the Soul Problem in the Philosophy of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi

The concept of human’s soul and body in Sufism can be defined by the following concept – «Man in the body is fani (body is fleeting, temporary), soul is baki (eternal)». Since the human soul receives divine substance, it is eternal. This is one of the main features of the Sufi worldview. Spirit is a masterpiece, and it can only be determined by its properties. As our feast, Ahmed Yassawi, writes in «Divani Hikmet», no one can know «The Secret of Our Heart, Soul» the Lord witness: «I witnessed that unbelievers also do not know about it» (Divani hikmet, X-11/23). By examining the worldview of Yassawi, one can recognize the relationship between God, the soul, and the transcendental world. Since, Yasavi reveals the criteria and principles of knowing the soul. If the art of the Lord can be known through the world that he created, then the soul or perfection of man can be recognized through his actions, character, words, thoughts. That is, Ahmed Yasawi considers the soul from a purely moral point of view. This position of the philosopher shows that the basis of his teaching is a scientific justification.

Studying the Soul Problem in the Philosophy of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi

The concept of human’s soul and body in Sufism can be defined by the following concept – «Man in the body is fani (body is fleeting, temporary), soul is baki (eternal)». Since the human soul receives divine substance, it is eternal. This is one of the main features of the Sufi worldview. Spirit is a masterpiece, and it can only be determined by its properties. As our feast, Ahmed Yassawi, writes in «Divani Hikmet», no one can know «The Secret of Our Heart, Soul» the Lord witness: «I witnessed that unbelievers also do not know about it» (Divani hikmet, X-11/23). By examining the worldview of Yassawi, one can recognize the relationship between God, the soul, and the transcendental world. Since, Yasavi reveals the criteria and principles of knowing the soul. If the art of the Lord can be known through the world that he created, then the soul or perfection of man can be recognized through his actions, character, words, thoughts. That is, Ahmed Yasawi considers the soul from a purely moral point of view. This position of the philosopher shows that the basis of his teaching is a scientific justification.
