Structure of the Professional Mobility of the Teacher

In the article, the author aims to bring to readers a generalized structure of professional mobility of future teachers for the successful implementation of tasks defined in the course of professional training of professional training specialists from the author's point of view. During the implementation of this goal, the main components of professional mobility of future teachers of vocational training are defined and the main concepts are formulated. In the life of the person can be mobile, flexible to change and creative self-realization in the framework of the acquired profession. But only if he has certain personal and professional qualities. It is formulated that the structural elements of professional mobility are: the quality of the individual; human activity; the process of transformation of the individual and the environment; types of mobility (vertical and horizontal); characteristics (objective, subjective and characterological).

Structure of the Professional Mobility of the Teacher

In the article, the author aims to bring to readers a generalized structure of professional mobility of future teachers for the successful implementation of tasks defined in the course of professional training of professional training specialists from the author's point of view. During the implementation of this goal, the main components of professional mobility of future teachers of vocational training are defined and the main concepts are formulated. In the life of the person can be mobile, flexible to change and creative self-realization in the framework of the acquired profession. But only if he has certain personal and professional qualities. It is formulated that the structural elements of professional mobility are: the quality of the individual; human activity; the process of transformation of the individual and the environment; types of mobility (vertical and horizontal); characteristics (objective, subjective and characterological).


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