This paper discusses aspects related to the formation of professional and legal competence in the process of scientific and educational process of training bachelors of engineering and technical profile. A modern professional should be not only qualified literate, but also socially competent, and also often legally literate, be able to coordinate, manage and obey himself, resolve conflicts and be able to make decisions within the existing legal framework, etc. For this, it is advisable for a future bachelor know legislative and other regulatory legal acts, be able to use them productively in practical professional work. Purpose of the study: to determine the essence and properties of the structural components of the formation of legal competence of bachelors in the process of vocational training. When solving particular problems of theoretical research, methods were comprehensively used such as analysis of methodological, philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical literature on the problem of research, study of legislative and regulatory acts on higher education and the functioning of technical institutions, synthesis and generalization of information received on subject of research. The structure of legal competence, as well as objective and subjective properties of legal competence are revealed. Legal competence is presented as a complex, integrative education, consisting of a complex system of knowledge, abilities, skills and individual qualities of a future bachelor of engineering and technical specialties. Moreover, the content of legal knowledge should be adequate to the professional activity of the future bachelor, and only if this condition is met this knowledge will contribute to the improvement of his legal competence.


This paper discusses aspects related to the formation of professional and legal competence in the process of scientific and educational process of training bachelors of engineering and technical profile. A modern professional should be not only qualified literate, but also socially competent, and also often legally literate, be able to coordinate, manage and obey himself, resolve conflicts and be able to make decisions within the existing legal framework, etc. For this, it is advisable for a future bachelor know legislative and other regulatory legal acts, be able to use them productively in practical professional work. Purpose of the study: to determine the essence and properties of the structural components of the formation of legal competence of bachelors in the process of vocational training. When solving particular problems of theoretical research, methods were comprehensively used such as analysis of methodological, philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical literature on the problem of research, study of legislative and regulatory acts on higher education and the functioning of technical institutions, synthesis and generalization of information received on subject of research. The structure of legal competence, as well as objective and subjective properties of legal competence are revealed. Legal competence is presented as a complex, integrative education, consisting of a complex system of knowledge, abilities, skills and individual qualities of a future bachelor of engineering and technical specialties. Moreover, the content of legal knowledge should be adequate to the professional activity of the future bachelor, and only if this condition is met this knowledge will contribute to the improvement of his legal competence.


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