Model of formation of communicative creativity of future primary school teachers

The article is devoted to the problem of formation of communicative creativity of a modern primary school teacher. The necessity of formation of communicative creativity of future primary school teachers is based. In the professional activity of the future primary school teacher the importance of communication is determined. The definition of communicative creativity is given. The quality of manifestation of communicative creativity is defined. The article presents a model of formation of communicative creativity of primary school teachers. Components, criteria, indicators, levels of formation of communicative creativity of the primary school teacher are defined.

Model of formation of communicative creativity of future primary school teachers

The article is devoted to the problem of formation of communicative creativity of a modern primary school teacher. The necessity of formation of communicative creativity of future primary school teachers is based. In the professional activity of the future primary school teacher the importance of communication is determined. The definition of communicative creativity is given. The quality of manifestation of communicative creativity is defined. The article presents a model of formation of communicative creativity of primary school teachers. Components, criteria, indicators, levels of formation of communicative creativity of the primary school teacher are defined.


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