Kazak Siirinde Turk Birlidi

This article deals with an issue of literary expression of turkic ideas in the works of kazakh poets. Praising the turkic ideag are firstly met in the worlg of famous kazakh poet M.Zhumabaeu in the beginning og XX century. This motive has its longeuity in the worlg of ofher kazakh poets and writers of Soviet period as Zh.Nazhemidinov, Zh.Zhakipbaev etc. In prezent period this theme of turkic idea have been developing in the works of T.Medetbek,T.Abdikakimov. In poetic works of present kazakh poets the theme of turkic ideas are sounded newly.

Kazak Siirinde Turk Birlidi

This article deals with an issue of literary expression of turkic ideas in the works of kazakh poets. Praising the turkic ideag are firstly met in the worlg of famous kazakh poet M.Zhumabaeu in the beginning og XX century. This motive has its longeuity in the worlg of ofher kazakh poets and writers of Soviet period as Zh.Nazhemidinov, Zh.Zhakipbaev etc. In prezent period this theme of turkic idea have been developing in the works of T.Medetbek,T.Abdikakimov. In poetic works of present kazakh poets the theme of turkic ideas are sounded newly.


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