Freedom Issues in Abay's Works

The article considers the moral nature of the principle in the worldview of Abay Kunanbayev «Be a man!», which is a spiritual value of the Kazakh people. The author thoroughly analyzes the ethical guidelines and instructions of the poet, which indicate the path of humanity to the future generation. His universal advanced and ethical ideas of moral improvement, unity and peace, freedom, kindness, conscience, morality, kindness and justice, education, etc. are the main values that serve as an example for the modern generation. Based on the concept of the poet-thinker, which makes it clear that good character depends on reason and science, the article also reveals the fact that people have different character traits. And to achieve science, a special love is necessary, thanks to which the poet's creativity knows its Creator, the world around it. The authors note that the five pillars of Abay Kunanbayev's creativity are the manifestation of human self-improvement, the formation of a good character, the formation of a healthy and virtuous person who meets the needs of the time. The main thing is that the poet assumes the freedom of the future of the nation in the formation of the spiritual essence of the people.

Freedom Issues in Abay's Works

The article considers the moral nature of the principle in the worldview of Abay Kunanbayev «Be a man!», which is a spiritual value of the Kazakh people. The author thoroughly analyzes the ethical guidelines and instructions of the poet, which indicate the path of humanity to the future generation. His universal advanced and ethical ideas of moral improvement, unity and peace, freedom, kindness, conscience, morality, kindness and justice, education, etc. are the main values that serve as an example for the modern generation. Based on the concept of the poet-thinker, which makes it clear that good character depends on reason and science, the article also reveals the fact that people have different character traits. And to achieve science, a special love is necessary, thanks to which the poet's creativity knows its Creator, the world around it. The authors note that the five pillars of Abay Kunanbayev's creativity are the manifestation of human self-improvement, the formation of a good character, the formation of a healthy and virtuous person who meets the needs of the time. The main thing is that the poet assumes the freedom of the future of the nation in the formation of the spiritual essence of the people.


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