Assessment of status of number of predator birds of Karataus Reserve

The article gives a detailed analysis of the species composition of birds of prey in the Karatau Nature Reserve. An estimate of the number and an annotated list of birds of prey of the Karatau State Nature Reserve, including 14 species, is presented. An analysis is made of the density of reproduction of birds of prey in the Southern and Northern parts of the reserve, the characteristics of the frequently explored places of the studied region and the nature of the distribution of species.

Assessment of status of number of predator birds of Karataus Reserve

The article gives a detailed analysis of the species composition of birds of prey in the Karatau Nature Reserve. An estimate of the number and an annotated list of birds of prey of the Karatau State Nature Reserve, including 14 species, is presented. An analysis is made of the density of reproduction of birds of prey in the Southern and Northern parts of the reserve, the characteristics of the frequently explored places of the studied region and the nature of the distribution of species.


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