Cumhurbaşkanlığı makamı, 1923’te Cumhuriyetin ilanından bu yana Türk siyasi


The office of president took on an important position in the Turkish politicalsystem with the announcement of the Republic in 1923. Developments which took placein the election process of the sixth president, Fahri Korutürk and the inability to elect theseventh president by democratic means as factors in the military coup of 12 September 1980made the presidential election important for Turkish public opinion. With the acceptanceby referendum of the 1982 constitution, the election as president of the head of the militaryintervention, Head of Government Kenan Evren, occupies an important place in the recenthistory of Turkey. However, 1989, despite the democratic elections of 1983, was in fact whendevelopments occurred which were to bring to an end nine years of military rule. This isbecause in the new term of office a truly civilian president was expected to take up residencein Çankaya.In the election, Turgut Özal, head of the Motherland Party (ANAP) and primeminister, was unsurprisingly elected as the eighth president of the Turkish Republic. Fromthe day of his election, Turgut Özal took every opportunity to state that he would be a“different” president, and because of the difference in the way he did things and his approachto events, some of those around him reacted against it. In particular, his thoughts on thesystem of presidential government were much discussed in political and legal circles, and heeven received criticism from his own party.In this study, the democratic organization of 1983 will be reviewed, and an evaluationwill be made of the events leading up to the election as president of Turgut Özal, the leaderof the single-party government of the Motherland Party, and of various events centred onTurgut Özal following his election.


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  • Güneş
  • Halka ve Olaylara Tercüman
  • Hürriyet
  • Milliyet
  • Sabah
  • Tan
  • Yeni Asır
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  • Bülent Akarcalı
  • Halil Şıvgın
  • Hüsnü Doğan
  • Oltan Sungurlu