ÖZETÜlke paraları coğrafya biliminin araştırma konuları arasında yer alır. Bu araştırmada Afrika Kıtası’ndaki 54 bağımsız ülkenin son 30 yılda kullandığı kâğıt paraları incelenmiştir. Afrika ülkelerinin paralarının çoğunda (585 kâğıt parada), ülkelerin coğrafi özelliklerine ilişkin resim ve görüntülere yer verildiği tespit edilmiştir. Afrika ülkelerinin paralarında fiziki coğrafya unsurlarından jeomorfolojik, jeolojik, hidrografik ve biyocoğrafik unsurlara yer verilmiştir. Beşeri coğrafya unsurlarından ise yerleşme, tarım ve hayvancılık, balıkçılık, maden yatakları ve enerji kaynakları, sanayi, ulaşım, tarihi eserler, din, dil, etnik yapı ve sanata ilişkin unsurlara yer verilmiştir. Kâğıt paralardaki görsel unsurların incelenmesi Afrika ülkelerinin bazı coğrafi özelliklerinin keşfedilmesine katkıda bulunmuştur.Anahtar Kelimeler: Coğrafya, Bölgesel Coğrafya, Afrika, Kâğıt ParaABSTRACTCurrencies are among the research areas of the science of geography. Current study examines the bank notes used by 54 independent countries in the African Continent in the last 30 years. It was identified that the majority of currencies used by African countries (in 585 bank notes) include photographs or images based on the geographical elements of the country. The bank notes of African countries include geomorphologic, geologic, hydrographic and bio-geographic elements of physical geography. They also present elements of human geography elements such as settlements, agriculture and animal husbandry, fishing, mineral deposits and energy resources, industry, transportation, historical monuments, religion, language, ethnic structure and arts. Investigation of the visual elements in bank notes has contributed to the discovery of some of the geographical characteristics in African countries.Keywords: Geography, Regional Geography, Africa, Bank Note


Currencies are among the research areas of the science of geography. Current study examines the bank notes used by 54 independent countries in the African Continent in the last 30 years. It was identified that the majority of currencies used by African countries (in 585 bank notes) include photographs or images based on the geographical elements of the country. The bank notes of African countries include geomorphologic, geologic, hydrographic and biogeographic elements of physical geography. They also present elements of human geography elements such as settlements, agriculture and animal husbandry, fishing, mineral deposits and energy resources, industry, transportation, historical monuments, religion, language, ethnic structure and arts. Investigation of the visual elements in bank notes has contributed to the discovery of some of the geographical characteristics in African countries.


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