ÖZETGenel anlamda yüzeyi örten toprağın akarsu ve rüzgârlarla aşındırılarak taşınması olayı olan erozyon, toprak örtüsünün incelmesi ve zeminin çoraklaşmasıyla sonuçlanan küresel bir olgudur. Erozyonu en iyi önleyen unsur ise ormanlardır. Toprağın korunmasında hayati önem taşıyan ormanlara en çok zararı orman yangınları vermektedir. Çünkü orman yangınlarından sonra yağmur damlalarının zemine olan etkisi değişir. Toprak su dengesi bozulur ve erozyona açık hale gelir.Çalışmada 05.09.2013 tarihinde Amanos Dağları’nın Hatay ili sınırlarındaki orman yangını sonucu erozyona açık hale gelen alanda yangın öncesinde meydana gelen ve yangından sonra meydana gelebilecek erozyon sonucu sediment kaybı hesaplanmış, böylece orman yangınlarının erozyona etkisi ortaya konmuştur. Bu amaçla Hatay Orman Müdürlüğü’nden alınan yanan orman alanına ait sayısal harita, İklim Verileri, Harita Genel Komutanlığı’na Ait Sayısal İzohips verileri, Sayısal Yükseklik Modeli (DEM), Toprak Haritası ve Uydu Görüntüsü kullanılmıştır.Çalışma üç aşamadan oluşmaktadır. İlk aşamada inceleme alanında yangın öncesine ait erozyonla taşınan sediment miktarı hesaplanmıştır. İkinci aşamada ise yangın sonucu orman örtüsünden yoksun alanda oluşacak erozyonla taşınan sediment miktarı hesaplanmıştır. Her iki aşama için de RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda yangın sonucu zarar gören orman örtüsünden yoksun alanda erozyona yüksek ve çok yüksek duyarlı alanlar artarken, çok düşük, düşük ve orta duyarlılıktaki alanlarda azalma olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca yangından önceki süreç için erozyonla taşınan toprak miktarının 0-32.57 ton/ha/yıl iken, yangından sonraki süreçte ise bu miktarın 0-144.70 ton/ha/yıl olduğu hesaplanmıştır. Yangın sonrasındaki süreçte erozyonla taşınan toprak miktarının öncesine göre 4.44 kat arttığı belirlenmiştir. Üçüncü aşamada arazi çalışması yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma sırasında arazinin yangın öncesi süreçte mevcut topografya ve iklim koşullarının bir sonucu olarak yoğun erozyon tahribatı altında olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Yangın sonrasında tamamen tahrip olan orman örtüsünün koruyucu etkisinin olmamasının erozyonu daha da arttıracağına dikkat çekilerek bir an önce ağaçlandırma çalışmalarının başlamasının gerekliliği belirtilmiştir.Çalışmanın orman yangınlarının toprak erozyonuna olan etkisini ortaya koymaya yönelik ampirik çalışmalardan olması nedeniyle literatüre katkı yapması beklenmektedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Orman Yangınları, Erozyon, Amanos Dağları, RUSLE, Coğrafi Bilgi SistemleriABSTRACTErosion which is typically the transportation of soil covering the surface via rivers and winds, is a global phenomenon resulting from thinning of land cover and aridity of soil. The best element preventing the erosion is forests. However, the most detrimental element to the forests which have vital importance in protecting the soil is forest fires. Because; the impact of the raindrops into the land is changed after forest fires, as the soil water balance deteriorates and it becomes vulnerable to the erosion.In this study, the amount of loss of sediments in the area which has become vulnerable to the erosion due to forest fire occurred at 05.08.2013 in the part of Amanos Mountains lying within the frontiers of Hatay was calculated for both the erosions which have occurred before the forest fire and could possibly occur right after the fire. Thus, the impact of forest fires into the erosion was proved. To this end; digital map belongs to the burnt forest land taken from Hatay Forestry Department, weather data, digital contour line data belonging to General Command of Mapping, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), soil map and satellite image were used.The study comprises 3 phases. Initially, the amount of sediments carried by the erosion occurred in the study area before the forest fire was calculated. At second stage, the amount of sediments which could be carried by possible erosion would occur in that area which has become deprived of forest coverage due to the forest fire. RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) method was used for both phases. After analysis made, it was determined that there has been a decrease on the places with very low, low and moderate susceptibility while the places with high and very high susceptibility to the erosion in that area which has become deprived of forest coverage due to the forest fire have increased. Furthermore, it was calculated that the amount of soil carried by the erosion after the forest fire was 0-144.70 ton/ha/year while it was 0-32.57 ton/ha/year before the forest fire. It was identified that the amount carried by the erosion after the forest fire was 4.44 times higher than before. At third stage, field work was made. During this study, it was observed that the land was under heavy destruction of erosion before the forest fire due to existing topographic and climate conditions. As it was pointed out that the loss of protective effect of forest coverage which has completely been destroyed after forest fire would further increase the erosion, it was decided that it is necessary to start afforestation as soon as possible.As it is one of the empirical studies aimed at proving the impact of forest fires into the erosion, it is expected that this study would contributed to the literature.Keywords: Forest fires, Erosion, Amanos Mountains, RUSLE, Geographical Information Systems


Erosion which is typically the transportation of soil covering the surface via rivers and winds, is a global phenomenon resulting from thinning of land cover and aridity of soil. The best element preventing the erosion is forests. However, the most detrimental element to the forests which have vital importance in protecting the soil is forest fires. Because; the impact of the raindrops into the land is changed after forest fires, as the soil water balance deteriorates and it becomes vulnerable to the erosion. In this study, the amount of loss of sediments in the area which has become vulnerable to the erosion due to forest fire occurred at 05.08.2013 in the part of Amanos Mountains lying within the frontiers of Hatay was calculated for both the erosions which have occurred before the forest fire and could possibly occur right after the fire. Thus, the impact of forest fires into the erosion was proved. To this end; digital map belongs to the burnt forest land taken from Hatay Forestry Department, weather data, digital contour line data belonging to General Command of Mapping, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), soil map and satellite image were used. The study comprises 3 phases. Initially, the amount of sediments carried by the erosion occurred in the study area before the forest fire was calculated. At second stage, the amount of sediments which could be carried by possible erosion would occur in that area which has become deprived of forest coverage due to the forest fire. RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) method was used for both phases. After analysis made, it was determined that there has been a decrease on the places with very low, low and moderate susceptibility while the places with high and very high susceptibility to the erosion in that area which has become deprived of forest coverage due to the forest fire have increased. Furthermore, it was calculated that the amount of soil carried by the erosion after the forest fire was 0-144.70 ton/ha/year while it was 0-32.57 ton/ha/year before the forest fire. It was identified that the amount carried by the erosion after the forest fire was 4.44 times higher than before. At third stage, field work was made. During this study, it was observed that the land was under heavy destruction of erosion before the forest fire due to existing topographic and climate conditions. As it was pointed out that the loss of protective effect of forest coverage which has completely been destroyed after forest fire would further increase the erosion, it was decided that it is necessary to start afforestation as soon as possible. As it is one of the empirical studies aimed at proving the impact of forest fires into the erosion, it is expected that this study would contributed to the literature.


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